Rubis Plastic Surgery

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift, also referred to as mastopexy, raises your breast by removing excess skin and then tightening the surrounding tissues. This reshapes the breasts in order to support your breasts’ new contour. A breast lift procedure can also reduce the size of an areola that has become enlarged. The purpose of the breast lift overall is to rejuvenate your figure, giving you a breast profile that is more youthful, uplifted, and ultimately more in line with your desired body image.

A woman’s body goes through numerous changes throughout her life. Many of these life experiences can cause a decrease in breast elasticity that leads many women to get a breast lift. These factors may include:

  • Pregnancy 
  • Aging 
  • Weight loss
  • Breastfeeding  
  • The pull of gravity 
  • Heredity

Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

individualized and personal one. Dr. Rubis has helped women just like you determine the best course of action for them to reach their body image goals and has a long history of excellence with performing breast lifts over the course of his career. You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you are:

  • In good health, not possessing adverse health risks that may hinder recovery. 
  • At a stable weight
  • A non-smoker 
  • Feel dissatisfied with your breasts due to the appearance of sagging or lost volume or shape. 
  • Your breast are flatter, and have an elongated, pendular shape
  • Your breasts rest below your breast crease when unsupported
  • Your areolas and nipples point down
  • One of your breasts is lower than the other
  • Your breasts’ skin has become stretched and your areolas are enlarged

How does a breast lift work?

After administering anesthesia for your comfort, incisions will be made in your breasts. 

There are a variety of incision types and techniques that can be used for a breast lift surgery. Dr. Rubis will work closely with you before your surgery to determine which incision type is best for you. Factors that play a role in determining which incision and technique will best help you reach your body image goal include:

  • The size and shape of your breast
  • The position of your areolas and their size 
  • The quality of your skin, its elasticity and the amount of extra skin around your breast
  • The degree to which your breast are sagging

Dr. Rubis uses two  common types of incisions:  around the areola and then vertically down toward your breast crease, or around the areola then vertically down from your breast crease as well as horizontally along your breast crease.

After the appropriate incision is made, your underlying breast tissue will be lifted and reshaped. This will help to improve your overall breast contour and firmness. Your nipples and areolas will also be repositioned to restore a more youthful appearance to your breasts. If necessary, enlarged areolas may be reduced and any excess skin will be removed to compensate for lost elasticity. After the lifting and reshaping is completed and the excess skin is removed, your remaining skin will be tightened as your incisions are closed. Your incisions will be closed with a combination of permanent and dissolvable sutures under the skin, and include surgical tape and skin adhesive to decrease tension on your scars. Some incision lines may be concealed in the natural contours of your breasts, however, depending on the right type of incision for your surgery, some incision lines may remain visible on the surface of the breast. As time passes though, most incision lines will fade dramatically. It’s important not to detract from the results of your surgery by insisting on a type of incision that does not suit your body type.

After your procedure, you will be able to immediately see the results in the form of firmer and more youthful looking breasts. As the swelling and incision lines subside and fade, your renewed confidence in your body will increase, and we’re excited to help you attain that flourishing sense of self-confidence.

The results of this surgery are long lasting, but there are some factors, including weight fluctuation, that can negatively impact the lifespan of your results. In order to combat this, we recommend maintaining your weight and continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Recovery after breast lift surgery

After your surgery, we will apply the appropriate bandages and dressings. You will also need to wear either an elastic bandage or a support bra in order to help minimize the swelling of your breasts post-surgery as well as to support your breast as they heal. We will also provide you with detailed self-care instructions as well prescriptions for any medication that may be necessary for a healthy and speedy recovery. We will also go over any questions you may have about your recovery and results.

Recovery time after surgery can vary, but most women have been able to return to work 3-4 days  after surgery, however, we recommend taking it easy for the first 4 weeks. We also recommend waiting at least 4weeks before performing any excessively taxing activities.

How long does a breast lift last?

Every patient is unique, so the lifespan of your breast lift can vary greatly depending on your unique body attributes and habits. For many patients the results of this surgery can last anywhere between 10 and 15 years. And in some cases, the results of this surgery can last even longer than that.

We’re here to help you every step of the way through this process. If you’re ready to discuss your options about getting a breast lift, set up a consultation today. We’re so excited to help you along the journey to becoming the you you want to be.

Breast Lift – Before and After Photos

More Breast Surgery Information:

  • Breast Surgery
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction
  • Corrective Breast Surgery
  • Breast Explant Surgery
  • Contact Us


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